General knowledge of Baranya County the state/province of Hungary

Mostly asked questions about the province Baranya County

What is the country of Baranya County ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Baranya County ?

How many cities are in the state Baranya County ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Baranya County ?

What are the name of cities of Baranya County ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Baranya County

First question is about the country which is Hungary and HU is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Baranya County there is only 34 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Baranya County by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Baranya County
Country Name flag of HU Hungary
Country Code HU
Total States of Hungary 42
Total Cities of State 34

All Cities of Baranya County

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Bóly 45.96722000 18.51833000
2 Bólyi Járás 45.98075000 18.48449000
3 Bükkösd 46.10751000 17.98820000
4 Beremend 45.79108000 18.43263000
5 Dunaszekcső 46.08740000 18.75870000
6 Harkány 45.85002000 18.23668000
7 Hegyháti Járás 46.27247000 18.13758000
8 Hidas 46.25680000 18.49540000
9 Hosszúhetény 46.16414000 18.35077000
10 Komló 46.19278000 18.26494000
11 Komlói Járás 46.22019000 18.28620000
12 Kozármisleny 46.02967000 18.29210000
13 Lánycsók 46.00543000 18.62526000
14 Mágocs 46.34998000 18.23240000
15 Mecseknádasd 46.22468000 18.47076000
16 Mohács 45.99020000 18.68621000
17 Mohácsi Járás 46.02004000 18.68000000
18 Pécs 46.08333000 18.23333000
19 Pécsi Járás 46.07990000 18.25253000
20 Pécsvárad 46.16033000 18.42321000
21 Pécsváradi Járás 46.16782000 18.45456000
22 Pellérd 46.03438000 18.15403000
23 Sásd 46.25520000 18.10776000
24 Sellye 45.87247000 17.84711000
25 Sellyei Járás 45.86955000 17.89827000
26 Siklós 45.85499000 18.29752000
27 Siklósi Járás 45.84981000 18.31052000
28 Szászvár 46.27673000 18.37566000
29 Szentlőrinc 46.04016000 17.98719000
30 Szentlőrinci Járás 46.04694000 18.01528000
31 Szigetvár 46.04865000 17.80554000
32 Szigetvári Járás 46.07336000 17.80391000
33 Vajszló 45.85957000 17.98406000
34 Villány 45.86889000 18.45389000